PLAXIS Monopile Designer Readme

New in PLAXIS Monopile Designer 2024.1

Modal analysis of monopiles (Technology Preview)

This Technology Preview adds the possibility to calculate natural vibration frequencies and vibration modes for the monopile-tower-nacelle system. The rotor-nacelle assembly is modelled as a lumped mass. Soil-structure interaction can be considered through the initial stiffness of the soil reaction curves or ignored by specifying a ‘fixed base’ condition.

Python Interpreter interface

A Python interpreter can be launched from the Expert menu, enabling you to run commands interactively and troubleshoot your scripts.

Remote access to Python scripting API

It is now possible to install and import the plxmdt.easy scripting module in a custom Python environment (requires Python version 3.8.10), enabling you to run scripts remotely.

Other changes and improvements

Fixed an issue where incorrect boundary conditions were specified at the top of the monopile in 3D design verification models (in the Analysis tab), making the application of the workload not fully symmetrical. Results obtained with previous versions may be affected. It is recommended that you re-generate and re-calculate your 3D verification model.